Nitrous oxide — or “laughing gas” as most of us call it — is one of the lightest, safest types of sedation used in dental offices. In fact, it’s been used for over a couple of hundred years. For those eligible, Pragma Dental OKC provides nitrous oxide in Oklahoma City to both adults and children.
If you’ve never had nitrous oxide for dental treatment, it’s almost like the equivalent of having 2-3 glasses of wine. Although you’re conscious and aware of everything going on around you, you simply don’t mind things as much. You might even get a little case of the giggles (hence the nickname.)
What to Expect
Laughing gas is administered via a soft nosepiece. Simply breath in and out of your nose during your dental appointment and the mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen creates a calm, relaxing sensation throughout your body.
As inhalation sedation, the gas is quickly absorbed into your respiratory tract and then into your bloodstream. This delivery option makes laughing gas extremely safe and fast-acting.
Since you’re still fully alert, we’ll also utilize local anesthetic (numbing medication) when required. Although you’ll be less sensitive to stimulation, we still want to ensure that you enjoy a painless experience for routine procedures like fillings, crowns, or extractions. The anesthetic will completely numb that area and wear off within a few hours. And chances are that with the nitrous oxide, you won’t care much about the injection whatsoever.
When is Laughing Gas Recommended?
Nitrous oxide sedation is ideal for scenarios like:
- Mild anxiety or phobia
- Slightly longer or detailed treatments
- Tooth extractions
- Crown prep appointments
- Dental implants
- Root canal therapy
- Baby tooth root canal therapy
However, we can easily administer nitrous oxide for more “routine” appointments, such as cleanings, if anxiety is standing between you and the care you need.
Children also benefit from nitrous sedation, as it helps them to rest and be more still throughout their appointment. Dr. Phil provides children’s sedation dentistry in OKC and is highly trained. He can address any questions parents may have about sedation options for their child.
Since laughing gas can be adjusted throughout your appointment, it’s easy for us to control your level of comfort. Even if you simply need the “edge” taken off, nitrous oxide is a good option to consider. Especially if you’re nervous about seeing the dentist.
Nitrous Oxide Wears Off Quickly
Since nitrous oxide is an inhalation sedation, the effects of wear off quite quickly. As soon as our dentist turns the nitrous off and switches you to 100% oxygen, the sedative sensations begin to ease. In a matter of 5-10 minutes, you’re back to your normal self.
It’s completely safe to drive yourself home afterward. Unlike deeper types of sedation dentistry, you won’t need someone else to accompany you to your appointment.
Dental Sedation in OKC
Pragma Dental OKC provides optional nitrous oxide sedation (laughing gas) upon request. Contact us today to request a consultation to see how we can help.